Friday, July 14, 2006

Continuation koans

Zen Panda from Airy Nothing.
Callcc is the ultimate control structure, but it requires some getting used to. Continuation koans will help you meditate callcc to expand your awareness.
taw@taw-desktop:~/koans$ ./continuation_koans.rb throwcatch.rb
koan_01 has expanded your awareness
koan_02 has expanded your awareness
koan_03 has expanded your awareness
koan_04 has expanded your awareness
koan_05 has expanded your awareness
koan_06 has expanded your awareness
koan_07 has expanded your awareness
koan_08 has expanded your awareness
koan_09 has expanded your awareness
koan_10 has expanded your awareness
mountains are again merely mountains
As far as I know the only mainstream languages in which callcc is available are Ruby and Scheme (and maybe Smalltalk). There was once Python fork (Stackless Python) with callcc, but it's dead. And there is some talk about adding callcc to Perl 6, but we all know it's Duke Nukem Forever of programming languages ;-)

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