Sunday, June 03, 2007

RLisp code formatter

Can I get some privacy here I'm Cleaning My P!$$^ by Chris Tirello from flickr (CC-NC)
Just after the highlighter, here's another important piece of language infrastructure - code formatter. For now it only re-adjusts amount of indentation. It doesn't move )s around, change other whitespace, or modify any code.

Here's an example. Before:
(defmacro cmd options
(let hash_index -1)
[options each_with_index &(fn (x i)
(and [hash_index == -1] [x is_a? Symbol] [[x to_s] =~ /:\Z/]) (set! hash_index i)
(and [hash_index == -1] [x == '=>]) (set! hash_index [i - 1]))
(if (== hash_index -1)
(sendq options)
(let normal_args [options get [0 ... hash_index]])
(let hash_args [options get [hash_index .. -1]])
`(sendq ,@normal_args (hash ,@hash_args))))

(defmacro cmd options
(let hash_index -1)
[options each_with_index &(fn (x i)
(and [hash_index == -1] [x is_a? Symbol] [[x to_s] =~ /:\Z/]) (set! hash_index i)
(and [hash_index == -1] [x == '=>]) (set! hash_index [i - 1]))
(if (== hash_index -1)
(sendq options)
(let normal_args [options get [0 ... hash_index]])
(let hash_args [options get [hash_index .. -1]])
`(sendq ,@normal_args (hash ,@hash_args))))

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