Monday, August 27, 2007

Resurrection of libgmp-ruby

Hello Kitty Sponge cake by Rubyran from flickr (CC-BY)
I've just republished tarball of libgmp-ruby (Ruby bindings to GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library). It's a very old package (literally Ruby 1.6 old), but the server hosting it died and I never quite got to republishing it before.

It is available for download in tarball format. To compile the package use:
$ ./extconf.rb
$ make
$ make install
It used to build Debian packages. I don't know if they still build or if some tweaking is necessary. GEMs are not provided, as the package is older than Ruby Gems. Some day I'll get to updatng it and providing DEBs and GEMs.


  1. Anonymous18:54

    So do a lot of people use it?

  2. Long time no see Quickshot :-)

    I have no idea how popular it is. I needed it a long time ago, not much nowadays. It's packaged in some distros, and I'm getting emails about it about once a year. That's much less popular than jrpg, but more than some of my other software.

  3. Anonymous06:25

    The archive @ is corrupt.
