Things described here are available in
directory in RLisp sources.YAML
(ruby-require "yaml")
(let rlisp-value (list
1 2 "foo" (hash
hello: 42
world: 56
(let yaml-value [rlisp-value to_yaml])
(print "Original value:")
(print [rlisp-value inspect_lisp])
(print "As YAML:")
(print yaml-value)
(print "Parsed back:")
(print [[YAML load yaml-value] inspect_lisp])
In action:Original value:
(1 2 "foo" {:hello=>42, :world=>56})
- 1
- 2
- foo
- :hello: 42
:world: 56
Parsed back:
(1 2 "foo" {:hello=>42, :world=>56})
(ruby-require "rubygems")
(ruby-require "json")
(let rlisp-value (list
1 2 "foo" (hash
hello: 42
world: 56
(let json-value [rlisp-value to_json])
(print "Original value:")
(print [rlisp-value inspect_lisp])
(print "As JSON:")
(print json-value)
(print "Parsed back:")
(print [[JSON parse json-value] inspect_lisp])
In action:
Original value:
(1 2 "foo" {:world=>56, :hello=>42})
Parsed back:
(1 2 "foo" {"world"=>56, "hello"=>42})
JSON changes symbols into strings, so some information is lost in the round-trip.
MD5 and SHA1
(ruby-require "digest/md5")
(ruby-require "digest/sha1")
(defun md5 (val) [Digest::MD5 hexdigest val])
(defun sha1 (val) [Digest::SHA1 hexdigest val])
(let val "Foo")
(print "MD5 of #{val} is #{(md5 val)}")
(print "SHA1 of #{val} is #{(sha1 val)}")
In action:MD5 of Foo is 1356c67d7ad1638d816bfb822dd2c25d
SHA1 of Foo is 201a6b3053cc1422d2c3670b62616221d2290929
(ruby-require "opengl")
(ruby-require "glut")
(defun disp ()
[GL Color 0.0 0.0 1.0]
[GL Vertex 0 0]
[GL Color 0.0 1.0 0.0]
[GL Vertex 200 200]
[GL Color 1.0 0.0 0.0]
[GL Vertex 20 200]
[GL End]
[GL Flush]
(defun reshape (w h)
[GL Viewport 0 0 w h]
[GL LoadIdentity]
[GL Ortho 0 w 0 h -1 1]
[GL Scale 1 -1 1]
[GL Translate 0 (- h) 0]
[GLUT Init]
(let a [GLUT CreateWindow "single triangle"])
[GLUT DisplayFunc disp]
[GLUT ReshapeFunc reshape]
[GLUT MainLoop]
OpenGL is simply asking for some macros, but it will work fine without them too.Filesystem access
(ruby-require "fileutils")
[FileUtils mkdir "foo"]
(system "ls -ld foo")
[FileUtils chmod 0750 "foo"]
(system "ls -ld foo")
[FileUtils rmdir "foo"]
In action:drwx------ 2 taw taw 48 2007-05-12 11:19 foo
drwxr-x--- 2 taw taw 48 2007-05-12 11:19 foo
Other stuff
Most Ruby libraries should work with RLisp with little more than(ruby-require "lib")
.A few may depend on things which are not well supported by RLisp yet. In such cases RLisp might need to change, or a bunch of macros providing a nice interfaces could be added. RLisp is very young, so everything is open to change.
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