There are words that I've heard many years ago, which really affected my thinking about discussions and criticism. I cannot recall them exactly, but they went something along the lines of:
You have no right to criticize a programming language, unless you are able to point three things in which it excels compared to your favourite language.
I feel they're pretty deep. For one, if something really sucks so much that you can't name anything good in it, why are you even wasting time talking about it ? Or maybe it has a few good points, and learning them is a better use of time than ignorant ranting ?
It's no secret that I hate every single programming language ever created, and probably most of the ones to come. Right now the one which I hate least is Ruby, and that by no means should imply that given chance I wouldn't change half of it.
Anyway, with this post I want to prove to myself that I can criticize every single programming language out there.
The first language to get the praise is Python. It is 80% Ruby, and even though I miss the other 20%, I'd take Python over pretty much everything.
The first thing where Python is far better than Ruby is whitespace sensitivity. Getting rid of
ends and
}s makes the code a pleasure to look at, and saves lines that would get wasted otherwise. Higher code density, and more readability. Python syntax is overall cleaner. Now I don't really fancy the way whitespace sensitivity is implemented, as they had to get rid of blocks for it, but the idea is brilliant, and I'd love to see other languages use it.
Python's second win is
PyGame. PyGame was
the reason I even learned Python, and it's a pleasure to use it.
I even tried to get Google fund Ruby version of it in the Summer of Code ?
Python's third win is simplicity. Most of the complex things about Ruby - syntactic, semantic, or whatever - are exceedingly important. Still, Python by being much simpler would be far better language for teaching peolpe to code. Sure, I know all the arguments for using Scheme or Java for it, and by legal overlook starting with C or C++ isn't in the Criminal Code yet, but if you love kids, you surely agree that Python is simply The Right First Language.
Now it's Perl's time for the praises. Perl is awesome. Without doubt it is historically at least as important as Smalltalk, Fortran, and the original Lisp. The very idea that language should try to be friendly to the programmer, and flexible enough to accommodate to various ways of thinking, was far ahead of its time. Even in 2007, twenty years after Perl's first release, most languages would rather enforce one true worldview. Some people are willing to accept languages' worldview and become Java code monkeys, or incurable C old-timers. Others value their freedom of thought and choose Perl (or nowadays, Ruby).
History aside, Perl still excels in many ways. For one it is pretty much the only language which got Unicode right. Ruby pretends the problem doesn't exist,
Python tried it and screwed it, everything else is useless for text processing. Perl regexp engine is still far better than what most other languages have. I do use the
features marked experimental, a lot. If you do i18n, defining your own Unicode character classes in regexps is useful more often than you think.
The second thing is
LWP. Ruby's
net/http isn't anywhere near it, and will never be. Of course, nobody uses
net/http for Ruby. They connect to an actual browser with
watir or
firewatir, or run
system "wget", ...
You probably guesed what the third thing is going to be. That's of course CPAN. Ruby with RubyGems is getting there, but it's going to be a very long way. Oh, and I think RubyGems, not Ruby on Rails, is the main reason of Ruby's surge in popularity in the last few years.
Java - the most trendy language to flame these days. It's also the most popular language these days, and
these two things seem to correlate. I'm not even going to repeat the list of sucking points now, just go to any other programming blog.
So the cool things about Java. How can I not say portability ? There was never a language as portable as Java. I can take any Java program, put it on any machine, from a mobile phone up, and it will Just Work. Ever tried that with C ? Good luck getting
configure not to segfault on you. Even with semi-portable languages like Ruby and Python, you'd still have to tweak it a lot if it uses some non-standard library (as most programs do), is more than six months old, or (heavens forbid), you're trying to run it under a non-Unix box.
The second reason why I'm grateful to people who created Java, is saving the world from C++. C++ is crime against humanity, and
its creator is the programming equivalent of Saddam Hussein. Java managed to get rid of C++ without destroying a small country, how not to be thankful for that ? Java managed to get the mainstream a few steps in direction of Smalltalk, Lisp, and sanity. If you look at all currently available languages, it is pretty clear none would be even close. It had to be free from vendor lock-in, actually portable (in practice, not just theory), perform reasonably well, and have familiar syntax and semantics. It's a short list, but in 2007 Java is still the only language on it.
And JVM. It's mind-boggling what people do with JVM bytecode. Sure, every other language has a virtual machine, but JVM is actually portable, supports plenty of languages, is fast, and there are tons of utilities doing cool things with JVM bytecode. Just take a look at AspectJ.
JavaScript is another language I kinda like, even if getting it to work consistently across browsers isn't fun, and the development tools aren't exactly what people learned to expect nowadays.
The greatest thing about JavaScript - it enabled the Web 2.0 revolution. JavaScript is pretty much the only practical way of creating cool portable GUI apps. People tried using Java and Flash and other languages for it, but for some reason it just doesn't work anywhere as well.
That's related thing, but XUL is just wonderful. Firefox plugins are the second way of creating cool portable GUI apps, and they're also JavaScript-based. Do you even realize how much work would it take to create something even as simple as a GMail notifier in anything other than JavaScript ?
Everyone loves JavaScript because it's so important for the Web, but it's also a pretty cool language on its own. It uses very elegant object-oriented system based on prototypes.
Ruby singleton classes and some evilness can get halfway there, but no further
It feels like a faux pas to say there are things I like in PHP.
I certainly don't like its SQL injection friendliness, and main namespace with 5121 (and counting) inconsistently named functions.
Still, there are a few cool things about it, like
arrays ! Perl introduced arrays and hashes as separate data types, and every single language followed. Perl had little choice, as only context determines whether "1" and "01" are the same thing or not. In languages that don't follow Perl's braindead string-number unification, there's really little reason for keeping arrays and hashes conceptually separate. They're both just keyed containers, so why do we need two ?
PHP applications are very easy to deploy compared to Ruby on Rails, Java, Perl or any other web apps. It's partially because of PHP's ubiquity, and good integration with standard webservers and databases. Of course I'm assuming admin didn't tweak with global language rules (like register_globals).
PHP is very scalable. It is actually used in massively popular web applications like Wikipedia. Ruby on Rails isn't there yet.
I don't like Haskell. It's a bondage and discipline language - either you think the way it thinks, or it will make your live a living hell.
The best part of Haskell is syntax. It got whitespace sensitivity right, so unlike Python it still has full power blocks. Laziness and pattern matching simplify programs quite a bit, so they often look like specifications, not like code.
Haskell is also actually extremely expressive. Just take a look at
"Functional Specification of JPEG Decompression and an Implementation for Free" paper. Ruby does quite well too, especially with a good library like ActiveRecord, but I don't think it's that good.
Software Transactional Memory. I'm really more into concurrency based on message passing, but STM is cool.
Macros. Do I really have to say more ? Macros are great. This point also includes simple syntax tree, and no - CL does not have a simple syntax tree if every code walker needs to understand
(loop ...). Ever tried working with Ruby's ParseTree ? It does work, but it's really ugly.
It is just unbelievably semantically elegant. I don't know any other language with this level of power and such elegance and simplicity. It makes even Python looks complex and ugly (with bolted-on object-orientation it's hard not to look ugly, but anyway). Other Lisps are usually really horrible here.
Symbolic computations in Scheme are very easy. Just a single main data structure (linked list with symbols), macros, simple pattern matching, tail-call optimization (it makes many things simpler), etc. Ruby surely beats languages like Java here, but is far behind Scheme.
Erlang seems pretty cool. Just look at
Erlang: The movie at Google Video.
The absolutely coolest thing about it is builtin support for reloading code without losing state. I routinely code half-way solutions for this problem in Ruby, Perl, Python, or whatever language I'm using. In many cases it speeds up development by a factor of ten.
It can also do massively distributed computing based on message passing. Ruby barely does multithreading, and relies on RDBMS-based solutions for scalability.
If you expect Smalltalk/Ruby-style "everything is an object", Erlang is disappointing. But if "objects" are redefined to mean "lightweight processes", Erlang starts to make sense. I'm not really convinced "one object per process with strict message passing" model is better than Smalltalk/Ruby model, but I'd like to experiment with it a bit some day.
Smalltalk program is a living being, not a dead object. I keep trying to make my programs a bit less dead, and Smalltalk is at the end of the road. Either that, or Erlang.
Smalltalk is object-oriented without any compromises or complications. The only operation is sending a message. Ruby makes a lot of compromises to feel more familiar. The compromises made it less flexible, more complex, less reflective, and also much slower. Do you know how exactly
? Can your class do so to ? (It can, but the method must be coded in C, not Ruby). Can you take object's method, unbind it, rebind, and call ? (Try it on a cloned singleton) What are semantics of
visibility ? Why so many kinds of class variables ? The complexity means it's much harder to metaprogram without accidentally breaking something in process.
Smalltalk is based on images, not on a bunch of text files. Text files are cool, but needing a few irb sessions, and cut and pasting code between irb and text editor is seriously annoying. And to think that some people have to manually compile programs and don't use svn.
The coolest thing about C is Unix. C makes Unix possible. If you don't know why Unix is so cool, just put aside anything you're doing right now, take a couple weeks' break, and learn it well. You're going to thank me later.
C is very pretty language for low-level memory manipulation. Providing only low-level memory access is of course one of its worst weaknesses, but at least they got it right. With C it's just so easy to create fancy data structures, and use every last bit of them. Other languages usually go the other way and provide only high-level memory access. For 99% of programs, it's a better choice. For the rest, we have C. A related issue is fairly simple semantics (at least without aggressive optimizations or multithreading, then it gets nasty). It lets you experiment with many things that are simply not possible in other languages. And few other languages have
decent inline assembly support.
C can access a really huge number of libraries. It takes a lot of work to get them work well together (every non-trivial C library of them defines own string type, own pseudo-oo system, many even include own memory manager), they're not portable, they're not secure, and they tend to segfault at random, but the sheer number of available libraries is about as high as Perl's.
C++ is easily the worst language ever. It's one thing to say good things about a language when language in question is Python, it's a completely different thing when it's C++. What next ? Praising Bush's handling of Iraq ? Still, I think I can say something good about it.
It can be used as better C. Low-level, fast (with template hackery easily faster than plain C), backwards compatible, and still significantly better. Few people use C++ that way. More often than not they create monstrous APIs and programs that break under weight of C++'s semantic complexity. But C++ has potential of being "better C".
Template metahackery is fun. Most of the time it's totally useless, and plain C would more than suffice, but who wouldn't want a new programming toy ?
C++ still seems like the only way of creating fast low-level data structures and algorithms with half-decent, and zero-overhead interfaces. C is just too ugly for that (you cannot even have a decent
in C), and everything else adds a pretty high overhead.
I said a lot of good things about many languages, and I hate them all anyway. I tried to keep true to my feelings, and avoid simply repeating the party line why something is cool. I could write about Objective Caml, Prolog, C#, CL, and all other languages, but I wanted to keep it reasonably short. Maybe one day I'll write another part.
If you want to join the fun, go ahead and write some really cool things about languages you hate most in the comments. I'm not going to delete anything, even if you praise COBOL :-)
Alyona Lompar
translated this post to Ukrainian.
Maria Ramos from
Webhostinghub.com translated this post to Spanish.