Friday, March 15, 2019

Emojiful ls in your terminal

lsd is a really sweet looking ls replacement, unfortunately it's awkward to install, so here are the steps for OSX:

Install lsd and font with emoji

brew tap caskroom/fonts
brew cask install font-hack-nerd-font
brew install lsd

Change font in your terminal

For iTerm2, it's: Preferences > Profiles > Text.
Then for both Font and Non-ASCII Font, choose "Hack Regular Nerd Font Complete".
It's a bit smaller than default font so I increased point size from 12pt to 14pt, but it's up to you.

For builtin Terminal app, it's Preferences > Profiles > Font.

Because this setting is per-profile, if you use multiple profiles, or some non-default profile, you might need to set it in multiple places.

Make it default

Depending on your setup, add this to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile or ~/.bash_profile:

alias ls="lsd"

Or depending If you use another shell, edit ~/.zshrc or such file.

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